To the ones feeling caged To the ones with clipped wings To the ones told that they weren't enough To the ones told that they weren't tough To the ones told that they had to bow down To the ones told that they should pursue the crown To the ones bribed for staying low To the ones bribed for playing dead. Did they clip off Those beautiful wings, And then told you to wallow In pain and despair, And wait for that auspicious day When they would find you a knight To rescue you from this plight Out of his pure might, And fulfill your wishes, That were clipped off Along with those beautiful wings ? Did they promise you the World, By keeping you prisoned for years, Telling that it was too early for you To go out there and get a clue, Saying the world outside was rough And surviving was very tough, And so you were safe Only in those golden cages, Where you were being fed And taken care of since ages ? Did they question your desires which burnt like f...
I bleed my heart on paper through words.