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Showing posts from March, 2020

The Last Time ?

What keeps you alive ? Is it the high Hopes, Or the worthy Challenges ? Or a desire to prove yourself  To the society's Evangelists ? When was the last time You thought of giving up, On your Dreams And struggles ? Because of some  Stupid rumbles ? When was the last time You faced a Rebuttal, And lost confidence ? Not just in yourself  Also in your ability to fight ? When was the last time You were faced with Criticism, And you thought To abandon ? Your strengths And your soul Along with your Goal ? When was the last time You endured Pain, But couldn't persist And so decided to End the Game ? When was the last time You saw that look  Of Disappointment In your parents' eyes ? And thought you were Worthless And worthy of dying ? When was the last time You decided to stand up Not just for yourself But also your mates, Because you have had enough Of this Society and its Ways ??