Is it Missing-ness or just old habits ? Ever thought what we exactly miss? Like is it the feel of being kissed, Or of sharing a bed, Or is it the feel of, Sharing our lives instead. Is it the long drives, Or the favorite singers, Or the long walks, And those mingled fingers. Is it the smell of tea, Or is it the honey toast, Or just a gathering of friends, Where someone is being roast. Is it those bogus movies, That you leave in between, To figure out what to eat, Before the cuddling scenes. Or is it simply the idea of love, As a person and a space, Where you two developed, A different taste. Loving Myself ! Wait, what ? There are these days, When I fall in love with myself, And than those, When I question everything about myself. Moods, that keep changing, Phases, that keep coming, Friends, that keep holding, And life, That keeps moving. Amidst this chaos, Of laughter and cries, I try to a...
I bleed my heart on paper through words.