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Showing posts from May, 2019

Missing what ?

Is it Missing-ness or just old habits ? Ever thought what we exactly miss? Like is it the feel of being kissed, Or of sharing a bed, Or is it the feel of Sharing our lives instead ? Is it the long drives, Or the favorite singers, Or the long walks And those mingled fingers ? Is it the smell of tea, Or is it the honey toast, Or just a gathering of friends Where someone is being roast ? Is it those bogus movies, That you leave in between, To figure out what to eat  Before the cuddling scenes ? Or is it simply the idea of love, As a person and a space, Where you two developed A different taste! Loving Myself ! Wait, what ? There are these days, When I fall in love with myself, And than those, When I question everything about myself. Moods, that keep changing, Phases, that keep coming, Friends, that keep holding, And life,  That keeps moving. Amidst this chaos, Of laughter and cries, I try...

Mind, Body, Soul.

Mind, soul and body, That combination is deadly, If you see them as tools of exploration, Far you will be taken by imagination. Mind seems like a weapon, Powerful when loaded, The more you will nourish, It will expand and flourish, All there is to know, Is how does it grow. Soul feels like a map, To help you surf through waves, Waves of time and space, Through the emotional guide, Which is apt and suffice. Body is our vessel, A habitat, if you will, Where the soul gets to rest, And to fulfill, Those desires and wants, For which it has chosen to be born.

Our Life Force !

Souls. What are these vibes, Through which humans jibe, Isn't it weird to hear also, That how could you communicate, With just energy waves or so? At first, it sounds different, Though somewhere down it feels right, Like you have just heard it on human plane, But actually you knew about it outright. Things start to look different, When we shift to this perspective, People start identifying as souls, Instead of their bodies and mold. These energies that we experience, Strongly with some, while with others dull, It fills us with awe and confusion, As to how could this be done. Like how can we choose people, Based on how we feel, When on superficial level, Their story might not appeal. We Speak Different languages. The language that I speak, In it you could be weak, Otherwise this struggle wouldn't arise, And take us for a ride. I know it's tough to acknowledge, Considering what we call knowledge, But...

Love and Moon.

Love. Love is the entity we desire, And we burn like fire, And set ourselves ablaze, For its chase, To fill us with warmth, Which it offers as its garment. We are the fabric through which it breathes, With our help,  tremendous colors it weaves, To give us a texture so rare, With it no on else can compare. The moment it's tattered, Consequences arise, And then comes the struggle, To be honorable and wise, And handle the threads carefully, To keep the fabric intact, With all the beauty and tact. Moon. To the Moon I ask, How do you find our tasks, Petty and small ? Relevant at all ? I find it smiling down on us, Sometimes even with a smirk, Maybe wondering why can't we see, All the beauty in our own world. How would it feel to be seen through its eyes, To be naturally and justly analysed, And then being given a grade, Depending on our trade, Obviously not what we do for a living, But how we value those w...


When We Break ! When we break, And our hearts ache, Why don't people think, Without a blink, That it needs care, Just like the other repair. Like you break your leg, And then go to med, To get plastered, And advised rest. Does it click, That heart is also a tissue, And it might need repair, And that's totally fair. Often we under-estimate, That which gives us this life, And don't try to emancipate, And treat it right. Regret or Forget ? Though I could have chosen to regret, I chose to forgive and forget, Things and places, Names and spaces, That were once our 'adda', Now are no more than old data. When someone with my name appears, Does it pinch your heart ? While interacting with them, Does it feel like you want to depart ? A flash of that face, And some mistakes, The bitter words, That were uttered, The fights, To have rights, The Love, Passionate enough, But could not hold...

It's Natural.

Nature- Simply Blooms ! To bloom is what nature prefers, Unaware of the onlookers, It's seemingly beautiful we claim, And awestruck we remain. Had it given a thought, To who would it please, Do you think it would have bloomed, With this ease. To fulfill it's part, Is what it has learnt, Whether we like it or not, It's not concerned. Letting the opinions weigh us down, We are giving away our crown, What more could be more destroying, Then forgetting that our soul is gnawing. Beauty of Flaws ! Did it ever cross your mind, To put your life in rewind, And realize that the flaws that you hold, Basically give you a touch of gold. To understand what we lack, Is  a blessing in fact, To help us find our way, And enrich our day. Had we all been the same, Perfect in every way, Why would anyone work or hurt, Why not just be alive and stay. It's a poor sight, That despite, All our beauty and flaw, Too littl...

A Girl Child.

I am a girl child, They say, I know for sure, For the prices I pay. To be born and raised, And beautifully embraced, Given a lot of importance by people, But never truly treated like an equal. It's not that I dislike the other gender, But I wish the eyes of society were tender, It's not like I don't understand the differences, I just wish that society had better references. So many things we are told, As if everything has a price, Till we are at our parents' home, It's a beautiful rise. But once married, And sent off, The payday starts, And you can't vent off. As if it was a collective decision, By males and females both, What looks surprising to me is, Why can't the females at least support ? Accepted that it's been the trend, And it's old I do understand, But why can't we question with logic, When the roots are so thick ? Or am I mistaken about the fragile lies, That society...

A Touch of Humor !

Caught Smiling :) Musing at an old chat, Looking two times at it in fact, Then thinking to myself why, And decoding with a sly, What a wonderful feeling, A chat and some healing. Smiling at myself, Sometimes out of place, Sometimes when in distress, Other times when over-dressed. Funny it might sound, But I can assure, Given on logical grounds, I am sane for sure. Jokes Apart. Joking about, Then looking apart, Trying to capture, The moment in heart. A good company, A good talk, Some simple pleasures, And few mocks. When sitting with a friend, Laughing crazy I forget, That I am supposed to look sane, Even though I can't restrain. Moments like these, Make my day like breeze, They help water the dry land, Without much demand. Fun or Pun ? Having what we call fun, Along with some pun, And then looking around, To analyse the sound, And then delving in, So that more comes in. We humans are weird ...