Caught Smiling :)

Looking two times at it in fact,
Then thinking to myself why,
And decoding with a sly,
What a wonderful feeling,
A chat and some healing.
Smiling at myself,
Sometimes out of place,
Sometimes when in distress,
Other times when over-dressed.
Funny it might sound,
But I can assure,
Given on logical grounds,
I am sane for sure.
Jokes Apart.

Joking about,
Then looking apart,
Trying to capture,
The moment in heart.
A good company,
A good talk,
Some simple pleasures,
And few mocks.
When sitting with a friend,
Laughing crazy I forget,
That I am supposed to look sane,
Even though I can't restrain.
Moments like these,
Make my day like breeze,
They help water the dry land,
Without much demand.
Fun or Pun ?

Along with some pun,
And then looking around,
To analyse the sound,
And then delving in,
So that more comes in.
We humans are weird for sure,
On different levels of course,
If your weirdness matches mine,
A bond will surely get defined.
Humor is all we have,
To deal with our struggles,
And add smiles,
To cheer our loved ones.
Stupidity, A trait we all own !

That stupidity is annoying,
Kindly refrain yourself from saying,
Cause it might look like blowing.
I understand the pain,
Too excruciating at times,
Like it makes me wonder,
Are you the one that survived ?
Hilarious it might sound,
On general grounds,
But the pain of dealing with it,
Is basically underground.
I wish stupidity could be same as funny,
Unfortunately, it's not honey !
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