Rift between my Mind and Heart !

I wish what you did to me,
Gets done to none,
Cruelty is just a synonym,
When it comes to sin,
Even after all you committed,
I pray that God forgives.
What I felt,
The brokenness inside,
I wish there were words,
To be able to describe.
Some days would pass just fine,
Existence sometimes difficult to define,
Few times tears would roll down,
Few other times I would hold on,
Not knowing where to go,
Which direction to look,
And how to get over this hook.
Looking back gives relief,
Though at times it's difficult to believe,
How can one get past these emotions,
And come out alive,
To face the world again,
And be ready for the strife.
When Insecurities Hit !

Insecurities is how,
We cover up our flaws,
Though in reality,
No one wants to have troughs.
A feeling so discreet,
It eats away on our minds,
Leaving us perplexed,
Though it can't be clearly defined.
Some call it low self-esteem,
Some name it as depression,
While if we involved religion,
It might be called as regression.
Can a childhood be blamed,
Can a particular person be named,
To help us out of our misery,
Can anything else be claimed ?
Wishing to get out of it's clutches,
To get seen as beautiful again,
So much of ourselves we give away,
And so little we gain.
Call it Dedication, Call it Suffering !

Dedication might seem like defense,
But in reality, it is an offence,
Not to anyone but your demons,
Who prey on your mood swings
Sitting in the depths of your heart,
Waiting to tear you apart.
No doubt there is comfort,
In your achievements and heights,
But more so there is some depth,
In the punches and fights.
Had life been more lenient,
Towards what you call your fate,
You might not be standing,
On you own and shaking the gates.
What we call as suffering,
Is actually a gift,
Just with an ugly wrapper,
To be understood like it.
Beneath it lies a layer,
To be explored and seen,
Only those few get these chances,
Who crack themselves from within.
Feeling isolated or looking for Isolation ?

Isolation is not a desire,
Rather a human gone insane,
To delve into the deeper depths,
Of what we call Pain.
To get us out of the rut,
Or maybe Spiral into a circle,
To classify the debts
And to help us buckle.
Down there what we find,
Is undefined,
For it varies with every individual
And their mine.
To discover what we are seeking,
Could be an epiphany,
Might as well find somethings,
Unlikely and Canny.
Whatever you get,
Do not forget,
You started to seek,
And so you can't regret.
Curious to learn or do you yearn ?

Curiosity intrigues
And then a man speaks,
Without it how do we judge,
What is that he seeks.
A quality so well known,
To help us seen as grown,
Takes different forms,
Helping us deform,
All that we need,
From all that we want.
Inventions whatever made,
Till date,
Can give a testimonial,
Of why humans create.
A fling with Science,
Sometimes with the art,
Calling on the masters,
To play their part.
If it did not exist,
Discovery wouldn't be made,
and Columbus would have had to expire,
Without a discovery date.
Happiness invades in different shades :)

Happiness is what we seek,
In a world so bleak,
Thinking we could gain,
This feat from outside,
Though all we sometimes lack,
Is a wisdom of inner plight.
How easy to blame the circumstances,
Situations to be precise,
And how difficult to take responsibility,
To figure out another price.
If it were to be found in caves,
We wouldn't have evolved,
Maybe where we really need to look,
Is at our own records.
Hearts could contain
More than we could desire,
But the greed in the fountain,
Called life,
Would merely let us stay happy,
And survive.
Is Love Enough ?

Love is an emotion
Involving lot of commotion
To see through it straight,
Is only a simple bait.
Was it for the presents,
Show of affection,
And the relation,
Love would only live,
In moments and sections.
To get to the base,
Where honor stays,
To give what is called respect,
To deliver as per the honesty aspect,
To never confine,
Neither try to define,
To hold when falling,
To commit to the calling,
To never suspect,
Only respect.
If only few words could
Make you understand love,
How would you call it eternity,
And call it tough.
A new Spring,
A new Autumn,
With flowers
And blossom,
Only could capture the beauty,
But cannot define the duty.
Brilliant idea of talking to moon
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