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Why do we Judge?

I Object to Judgement.

What is this objection,
That we show,
Towards the people,
Whom we know,
Just because of difference,
In skin, caste and gender,
We are unable to be tender.

How do they defend themselves,
When we readily don't accept them,
Not because they are not sober,
But because we lack exposure.

It's a shame,
To be a part of a society,
Which praises if you blend in,
And raises objection,
If you don't give in.

An ugly sight to me,
How people judge others,
When they themselves haven't,
Come face-to-face with mirrors.

I wish we stopped this war,
Against their and our,
And raised our awareness,
To the whole oneness,
For that would surely open up,
If not doors, pathways,
For those who have stayed,
Way too long in darkened ways.

The Arrogance!

You hide it in the name of arrogance,
While what I notice is cowardice,
But calling it your nature,
Makes it more malice.

Brave isn't a quality,
Neither an inherited trait,
I think what it truly reflects,
Is a way of life in fact.

To the people who count on opinions,
And impressing unknowns,
This might look difficult to digest,
May be they will have to adjust.

Our nature is pure defense,
Sometimes even without a thought,
Majorly not in accordance,
With other perspectives and doubts.


  1. I think it's more about ignorance. People are not aware about themselves. They tend to ignore because change requires courage.

    1. Well, yes. Ignorance is again a very important point for the people who judge. But, I am surely referring to Arrogance and not ignorance in my poem. Sometimes, it's the arrogance and pride that stops people from learning more about life and themselves.

    2. I wasn't referring to your poem when I wrote about ignorance. I am sorry it seems like that. My bad.

    3. Okay, not an issue. Thanks for clarifying :)

  2. Sweet Poems

    Arrogant are often those people who have little knowledge about something, and they use arrogance to "try to hide their own ignorance".

    The solution to avoid being arrogant is, "When you know you are ignorant in a subject, start educating yourself by finding an expert in the field or a book on the subject."

    (Quoted lines are from the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad")


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