That your opinions matter,
When no one really
Bothers your chatter ?
As if a drop in the ocean
Or an ant on the ground,
I keep wondering
What is this extra sound ?
The one that doesn't
Let me be myself,
The one that brings to me
News without askance,
The one that persuades
To go against my own wishes,
And that
Which brings about twitches.
The freely given words
From here and there
All hay-wired,
Bring no value to me
Except for exposing
The people and their minds.
What if we never heard
What was being said about us ?
Whether behind or in front,
Irrespective of the person ?
The provocation that they bring along,
Without listening to the bird song,
Or falling in love with individuality,
Surely gives proof
Of how screwed
Are our conceptions
Of judgments and goofs.
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